Mesmerizing Vampire-Cat Brothers, Simply Enchanting to Behold! 🖤🦇🐱

Lestat and Laszlo are two black kittens who look like little vampires with their fangs and dark fur. But they are very sweet and playful, and they love each other very much. They are rescue kittens by the Orphan Kitten Club of San Diego and fostered by FostersXYZ. Their foster mom, Yige, gave them names based on fabrics. They were called Denim and Corduroy, but now they are known as Lestat and Laszlo, after famous vampire characters.

Early Life

Lestat and Laszlo were part of a litter that was born too early, and their mother was nowhere to be found. They were in bad shape, especially Denim, who was still covered in afterbirth and barely alive.

Yige took them home and tried to save them. She said that Denim was the toughest little fighter. For one week, Yiga stayed up with him every night because it scared her that he would die if she slept.

The vet thought Denim had sepsis, which is a dangerous infection that can kill kittens.

Denim Got A Brother’s Love and Support

Yige was not the only one who cared for Denim. His brother Corduroy was also always by his side and helped him stay alive.

Yige mentioned how Corduroy would nudge Denny’s limp body and his heart rate would go up right away.

Reaching A Milestone

And then, a miracle happened. Denim started to get better, and he reached a milestone: he weighed one pound! Yige saw a touching scene: she saw Cordy hug his brother in a way that seemed to say ‘You made it, buddy.’

She knew they had to stay together forever because their bond was continually growing. Cordy was always there for Denny from day one.

Denim’s Got a Kinky Fur

Denim was born as a black kitten, like his siblings. But because of his sepsis, his fur changed color. He developed a fever coat, which is a rare condition that makes black fur turn gray. It usually happens when the mother cat is sick during pregnancy, but in Denim’s case, it was his illness that caused it.

Forever Home

As Denim grew up in his new home, his fever coat faded away, and he became a black kitten again.

He completed his transformation into Lestat the vampurr, a name in honor of the iconic figure in Vampire Lore. Likewise, his brother Corduroy became Laszlo, in honor of the vampire in What We Do in the Shadows, and they are still inseparable. They have fun and mischief in their house, and they make their family happy with their hugs and purrs!